Marathon and XC Season in Full Swing for young and old!

Created by : Tom Shaw On : Tue, 10/22/2024 - 17:03
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Marathon season is in full swing as we have two weekends of Marathons as we start with a trip over the Atlantic for the penultimate marathon major of the year in Chicago. Starting in Millenium park it’s a flat and fast course as it heads first to the North, then West and finally just South as it takes in the many of America’s second city neibour hoods. Two Harriers made the trip in search of furthering their six star Journey with Tom Shaw collecting his 4th major, running 2:44:33 following a challenging second half whilst Rachel Silcock returned to the marathon this year, collecting her 2nd star but more impressively running a superbly paced 4:15:02


On the same Sunday it was a bumper turnout for the first mini league Sports Hall Match of the year at Kirkby in Ashfield as our junior athletes competed in a full round of sprints, jumps and throws for a great mini team day out. Full results to follow 


Moving on a week and before we join a more local marathon, it was time for another edition of the Harriers GP as we headed off road for the Dukeries 10(ish) mile. Starting over in Walesby, the route returned to its traditional route following flooding last year but it didn’t make for any kinder conditions on the day as Storm Ashley appeared for a very wet and windy morning. The full results are yet to be published but some great ones all the same as Paul Marriott took 2nd and Adrian Hopkinson 3rd! 

Two rounds of XC this week too for our juniors as on Wednesday was the independent schools competition at Ranby House as George North ran clear of the pack to take 1st in the Y5/6 competition whilst Aya St Juste repeated the feat in the girls Y5/6


Moving on to the weekend and our juniors were in action at the 2nd edition of the Notts mini league XC with some fantastic results, never shying away from wet and windy conditions! 


In the U11girls we had Lauren Townrow (15th) followed closely by Libby Mould (18th), whilst the U11 boys had a podium with George North (2nd) followed by Oakley Allsop (8th) and Freddie North. Up an age group to the U13 girls we had Eliza de villars and Heidi Marks and Henry Marks in the boys. Top of the age groups and a great result for Miley Townrow in 3rd U15 girls whilst Harry Cole represented the U15 boys. 

Finishing the report as we started and back to the Marathon and only a hour up the A1 as two harriers went in search of good times despite the threat storm Ashley once again threatening to railroad any efforts. One of the UK’s biggest marathons, York takes runners out of the famous city centre before an undulating route to Stamford Bridge, climb up to Dunnington before dropping back down for the final 10k dash back to the city and up University Road (hill!) as runner empty the tank! First home with a brilliant run and digging deep in the final quarter for an excellent run of 2:50:12, narrowly missing a PB but on excellent run in both challenging conditions and course! Joining Matt on the Harriers Men, Jack Hutchinson added another marathon to his total with an excellent time 3:23:23

Run of the week however goes to Hannah Miller not only for the pacing but for the fantastic result of both PB and London Marathon Championship qualification. With an aim to hit previous standard of 3:14 for ladies, Hannah trained with a clear goal through the summer only for the goal posts to be moved as the qualification standards were toughened to 3:10 with just a few weeks to race day. With most of the buffer removed from her target race time it became an all or nothing race as Hannah paced the race superbly, going through half way in 1:34:33 on the way to a fantastic 1:21 negative split to qualify in 3:07:46, become the First Lady to qualify for the champs in nearly 10 years. 

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