Super Miles, KMR Trails and a Boston Heptathlon Champion in A Silverware Packed End-of-Summer

Created by : Tom Shaw On : Thu, 09/05/2024 - 11:16
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Catching up on the last two weeks with some super results and we start at the Sinclair Super Mile hosted by Retford AC. Run annually in memory of local running friend an favourite, the late John Sinclair, the annual event gives runners the opportunity to take in four and a bit laps of the track for a distance that there are limited opportunities to race flat out. A series of races starting with sub-9 minute targets and pacers for each one helping everyone push for a real personal test and a good few PB’s on the way! Richard Hind popped his running shoes back on (8:10) whilst next up four ladies had their first official mile race with Sharon James (8:27), Sam Robinson (7:25) and then Charlotte Randall (7:28) and Gabs Bower (7:13). Nick Mould led race 4 with Trev Sycom (6:33 and 6:42 respectively) whilst the Penulitimate race had a tightly packed group of Harriers with Kev Saville (6:28), Peter Spencer, Chris Lawrence and Madi Spencer all crossing together in 6:35. 

It was the final race of the day with the silverware at steak as Dominic Fielding went hard from the gun to take an early lead and make sure there was never any doubt which club would be on this years trophy as he won the men’s race in 4:48, whilst on the ladies side and Miley Townrow showed both excellent patience and pacing as she stuck to her own race plan, holding the pace through the first three laps with a superb finishing lap to take the lead with just 200 m to go, holding it right to the end, running a 5:46 and making it a Worksop double! Joining them in the final race Adam Jonczyk ran 5:56 and young Isaac Beresford in 6:17

In the same week we got off the track as we had our GP fell race at the penultimate Trunce (with just the fancy dress race to go!) as Kevin Savile took the GP points as first Harrier, followed by Chris Lawrence, Steve Battle and Dave Bulmer (bagging a course PB on route!). It was our ladies though bagging most the PBs and a great attendance too as Madi Spencer was 1st harrier home and 4th overall, followed by Cathy Mhembere, Julie Holloway, Sally Bulmer (PB), Jo Campbell (PB), Sharon James and Alice Shaw-Philips.

Still with the GP and still slightly off road and the following week we had the re-arranged Wickersley Chase KMR race and a Harriers 1-2 as Dom Fielding and Matt Daly led home the field over the 4 and a bit mile two lapper of Wickersley wood. Soon following Paul Marriott just outside prizes in 4th with Chris Johnson and Dave Bulmer rounding out the mens team. That wasn’t it for the prizes though as Sam Marriott took 1st in Age Cat followed by Sophie Jones, and in the junior race young Holly Bulmer went home happy with a full box of celebrations as got amongst the prizes!

Finally we near the end of the T&F season with a double at Boston for the combined events competition whilst over at Newark we had the final County Dev League Match.

The Worksop combined events group produced some excellent results this past weekend (31st Aug / 1st Sept) with a lot of pb's in the County Development League match. The performance of the weekend, however,  came from Charlotte Ayton, in winning the Boston Heptathlon.


Boston (Combined Events)

Over at Boston the Lincolnshire County multi-events championships took place and this was also open to other athletes from outside of the County


Charlotte Ayton and Summer Johnson represented Worksop at this two-day event, in very windy conditions, especially on the Saturday.

Summer (U15) competed in the U15 girls Pentathlon, and with all of her events on the Saturday, had to contend with some tough conditions. She came 4th with a score of 1672 points and is progressing well in this event. 

Long Jump - 3.91m

75m hurdles - 16.3s

Shot Put - 6.93 (pb)

High Jump - 1.32m

800m - 3m 03.8s


Charlotte (U17) produced an outstanding performance this weekend, she won the U17 girls Heptathlon with a massive personal best score of 3707 points, an improvement of almost 400 points. As well as this overall pb she also produced pb's in 5 of the 7 events with only the very strong head wind in the 80m hurdles and 200m (both on the windy Saturday), preventing her from making it a clean sweep of pb's

80m hurdles - 13.5s (620points)

High Jump - 1.53m (pb) (655 points)

Shot Put - 8.20m (pb) (412 points)

200m - 28.00s (631 points)

Long Jump - 4.87m (pb) (524 points)

Javelin - 18.49m (pb) (261 points)

800m - 2m 37.3s (pb) (604 points)

1st place with 3707 points


This score would have got Charlotte a Regional medal just a few weeks ago and entry into the National Schools Championships. Her hard work and dedication to training is really paying dividends and she has a very promising future in athletics.


Mansfield County Development League)

The last of the seasons County Development League matches took place on Sunday 1st September at Mansfield. We had a good turnout from our Under 17 and U20 athletes with Nick Mould flying the flag for our senior, competing in 4 events. 

There were lots of pb's, showing that the hard work in training is paying off.

The results were:

Nick Mould (Sen) (4 events and 4 pb's)

100m - 14.9s (pb)

200m - 32.2s (pb)

1500m - 5m 31s (pb)

5000m - 21m 25.4s (pb)


Brooklyn Crooks(U20)

Pole Vault - 3.05m (pb)

100m - 11.9s (pb)

110m hurdles - 16.6s (pb)

High Jump - 1.75m


Alicia Wells(U20)

100m hurdles - 15.8s (pb)

200m - 27.4s

Shot Put - 8.37m


Ethan Ellery (U20)

200m - 26.1s


Freddie Marks(U17)

100m hurdles - 16.6s

Shot Put - 7.94m (pb)

High Jump - 1.65m


Grace Walton (U17)

Shot Put - 8.50m

High Jump - 1.40m

80m Hurdles - 15.5s


Miley Townrow (U15)

800m - 2m 34s

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